Great Employers Private Limited

Consulting / Services

About The Organisation

Great Place To Work® is the global authority on building, sustaining and recognizing High-Trust, High-Performance CultureTM at workplaces. We have crafted our perspective by learning from great leaders, surveying millions of employees, and examining thousands of the best workplaces around the globe. We serve businesses, non-profits, and government agencies in more than 60 countries, across all six continents, mission touching more than 10,000 organizations every year. We thrive on sharing the insights we’ve gleaned from our work with companies of all industries and sizes, in order to help organizations around the world, build, sustain and scale their great culture. Great Place to Work® Institute has conducted pioneering research on the characteristics of great workplaces for over 30 years. We believe all organizations can become great workplaces, and our mission is to help them succeed. Great Place to Work® Institute partners more than 10,000 organizations every year around the world to help create and sustain a High-Trust, HighPerformance Culture™. Our premiere Best Workplaces Lists are published or distributed by market-leading news media around the world, to an audience of more than 25 million readers. The combination of this direct advisory work and media coverage is all core to how we create a better society by helping companies transform their workplaces by specializing in organizational trust. It is our contribution to a global shift in businesses that are changing the way the world works.


Research and Consulting

Great Employers Private Limited

Consulting / Services

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