Himadri Speciality Chemicals Ltd

Manufacturing / Supply Chain

About The Organisation

Globally, Himadri Speciality Chemicals is amongst the few completely integrated specialty carbon companies leveraging on its deep knowledge of one of the most versatile substances - Carbon. Over the years, with its core products and value-added by-products, the Company has established itself as one of the world's most extensive value chains in the Carbon segment. Our commitment to the Customers' success drives us to continuously develop innovative products with emphasis on R&D and focus on maximum utilization of resources. Our aspiration is to emerge as one of the leading speciality carbon chemicals conglomerate in the world on the back of an unmatched product portfolio, cutting- edge research and best-in-class technical capabilities. We are headquartered in Kolkata and have seven manufacturing facilities in India and one state-of-the-art manufacturing unit in China. The Company has R&D facilities that are recognized by the Government of India, demonstrating a strong emphasis on technological innovation and research. We are continuously evolving our processes to improve our global footprints by improving energy efficiency levels and ensuring well-being of employees and nearby areas.


<ul> <li>Advanced carbon materials</li> <li>Carbon black</li> <li>Coal Tar pitch</li> <li>Naphthalene derivatives</li> <li>Sulphonated Naphthalene Formaldehyde</li> <li>Poly Carboxylate Ether</li> <li>Speciality Oils</li> <li>Power</li> </ul>

Himadri Speciality Chemicals Ltd

Manufacturing / Supply Chain

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