Need for Workforce in Energy Sector

The world is experiencing an unprecedented disruption in the energy sector. Global market trends irrefutably define energy storage and e-mobility as the future growth areas. India is anticipated to emerge amongst the top three markets globally in the next five years due to the faster adoption of e-mobility led by electric 2Ws and 3Ws as well as the need for energy storage systems (ESS) to support the integration for renewables onto the grid.

A quick glance at recent news headlines (see below) gives an idea of the requirement of skilled workforce in the energy sector. It is imperative to scout, recruit, nurture and sustain the right talent.

As a pioneer in shaping skilled workforce for the energy sector, India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) along with Customized Energy Solutions (CES) is proud to share its successful experience in welcoming fresh minds to the energy sector.


Raw Minds to Skilled Professionals

The transition from student to professional is a delicate one. The success of a professional journey anchors on multiple factors such as the opportunities you receive, your mentors, colleagues, and on top of it all, the organization culture.

Years ago, our education industry came up with a practical idea to enable this smooth transition – “Internship”. The word itself brings to our mind thoughts about mentorship, hands-on learning, gathering experiences and availing enormous opportunities for developing professional skills. Internships also provide an opportunity to grow one’s professional network.



Journey of Interns at CES

The energy sector is going through a revolutionary phase. It is of utmost importance that we train budding professionals appropriately and hone their skills to make them industry ready. At CES, we immensely value our workforce which in turn steers the success of the organization. Over the past 10 years, CES has given an opportunity to 20+ interns and has absorbed 10+ as full-time employees.

The quotes from these associates give a peep into their laudable professional journey.

Kasturi joined CES in 2014 after she won a competition organized by IESA and worked on live project: “Landscape of Energy Storage in India”. She was offered a full-time position at CES. Initially, Kasturi worked on Microgrids in India, Stationary Storage in US etc. She worked as a Financial Analyst, enjoyed being a part of Consulting Assignments (storage markets and risk assessment). Hosted IESA conference which gave her the understanding of ground market reality. With support from CES, Kasturi is now working from Canada to explore opportunities there for CES. 

Pranao joined in 2014 as a part-time intern to deploy CoMETS (forecasting & optimization tool on energy storage systems and renewables) as webtool. He joined full-time and completed his master’s from VJTI while working at CES. After completion he was offered full time employment working as Analyst under Emerging Technologies domain. Over the years, Pranao developed several products, grew team and eventually was promoted to the role of Product Manager in 2019. Pranao says CES helped him develop many skills. He was never limited to any single role. He had to wear many hats over the years. Roles such as Software developer, UI/UX developer, business analyst, consultant, project developer, project manager, hiring manager, optimization engineer, AI/ML associate and recently ChatGPT specialist are worth mentioning.

Jatin He joined CES as an intern and collaborated for development of initial versions of the optimization engine of GridBOOST. At present, Jatin is responsible for daily use and performance of the optimization and forecasting algorithms.

Pradeep joined as an intern who didn’t know much about the energy sector. He recalls his experiences of how his manager and other senior colleagues honed his capabilities to understand the market better. He contributed hugely toward understanding energy markets in India and beyond, which helped companies take meaningful decisions. After his stint at CES, Pradeep now enjoys working at Gogoro.

Debi joined CES over a decade ago. He fondly recalls his experience and how he witnessed IESA and CES growth along with his career. He outperformed during his time and showed deep interest in the energy sector. He came up with different methodologies to achieve and strengthen business. Debi functions as the Executive Director for IESA.

Invitation for Student Involvement

IESA shall continue to honor its commitment toward the advancement of energy sector and to make India a manufacturing and R&D hub for energy storage, e-mobility, green hydrogen, renewable energy and microgrids. IESA believes in fostering a culture where the right talent is recruited and encouraged to perform the best for the success and advancement of the energy sector.

We welcome you to explore the benefits and opportunities for students.

Learn more about:

DST-IESA Industry-Academia Fellowship Programme (IRDFP)

IESA Emerging Tech scholarship [with IEEE PES IAS Pune section] and

IESA Student Ambassador Program.

You may become an IESA student member and also explore our IESA Green job openings here.

Come, join the IESA community!

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