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8 - ETN Magazine
₹ 5400
For 1 year
Get hardcopies of 8 ETN Magazine includes 2 special issue at your doorstep and access to online news.

Note: Outside India only digital copy will be shared.
4 - ETN Magazine
₹ 2700
For 1 year
Get hardcopies of 4 ETN Magazine includes 1 special issue at your doorstep and access to online news.

Note: Outside India only digital copy will be shared.
ETN 50 Global leaders issue for 1 copy
₹ 1200
For 1 year

Get your copy of 50 Global leaders and Rising Stars.
Note: Outside India physical copy on actual courier charges

ETN 50 Global leaders issue - Special combined offer or 5 copies
₹ 5000
For 1 year
Get your copy of 50 Global leaders and Rising Stars.
Note: Outside India only digital copy will be shared.
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