Webinar on Electric Vehicles in India and its impact on Indian Electricity Grid on 13th November 2017 (3:00 PM)

IESA Webinar on Electric Vehicles in India and its impact on Indian Electricity Grid on 13th November 2017 (3:00 PM)

- Only For IESA Member Company -

India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) happy to invite all its member companies to join the webinar on Electric Vehicles in India and its impact on Indian Electricity Grid. IESA is continuously working on energy storage, electric vehicle, Microgrid and smart grid space since its 2012. Recently Forum of Regulators released a report on 'Study on Impact of Electric Vehicles on the Grid'. In this context, we have invited Dr. Mahesh Patankar, Managing Director, MP Ensystems Advisory Pvt. Ltd. and distinguished Senior Advisors from the electricity industry who worked on this report to speak IESA members to showcase their findings.

 The Forum of Regulators (FOR), an entity formed under the Electricity Act 2003 recently commissioned a project to study the "Impact of Electric Vehicles on the Grid”. Forum of Regulators (FOR), taking a pro-active stance, commissioned this study to assess the technoeconomic impact of large scale penetration of electric vehicles, on the grid; and to evolve appropriate regulatory framework to facilitate roll out of the electric vehicles in the country. The study was carried out to answer the following questions - (1) What are the international best practices for EV integration and promotion? (2) What has been the role of regulators and distribution licensees in the uptake of EVs?, (3) What would be the impact of EV load on the local distribution system?, (4) What business models can be developed for public charging infrastructure development in the context of the Electricity Act, 2003?, and (5) What would be the tariff impact of a distribution utility's investment in public charging infrastructure?

 MOVE (Moving Onwards Vehicle Electrification): this is a new initiative by IESA to help India move towards Vehicle electrification and build a robust ecosystem for EV manufacturing. IESA will be working with various stakeholders in the mobility sector to address barriers and focus on the aspects related to batteries for EVs and charging infrastructure.

Proposed Agenda:  Please login to the Webinar by 2.45 PM

3.00pm - 3:10pm 

Welcome and Introduction of the Webinar Panellists – Mr. Harsh Thacker, Senior Consultant, CES and IESA

3:10pm - 4:00pm 

Presentation of study findings by MP Ensystems team
Introduction and Lessons Learned from International Best Practices – 

Dr. M. Patankar, MP Ensystems
Technical impact of EVs on Grid – Prof. S. Doolla, IIT-Bombay; 

Legal Aspects and Business Models – Adv. A. Maitra, PA Legal; 
Tariff Impacts of EVs –  Mr. V. Sonavane, Ex-Member MERC and Advisor-MP Ensystems


4:00pm - 4:10pm    

 Launch of IESA EV Initiative (MOVE)- Moving Onwards Vehicle Electrification - Dr. Rahul Walawalkar, Executive Director, IESA, Vice-Chair, GESA

4:10pm - 4:30pm    

 Moderated Question and Answer Session with the Panellists

 Eligibility: Only for IESA Member Company

 Registration Link: Click Here 

For any queries, reach Mr. Debi Prasad Dash, 9699719818 or email at [email protected]



Mon, Nov 13 2017 03:00 PM - 4:30 pm

