India Smart Grid Week

INDIA SMART GRID WEEK (ISGW 2018) is the fourth edition of the Conference and Exhibition on Smart Energy and Smart Cities, organized by India Smart Grid Forum(ISGF) scheduled from 05 – 09 March 2018, New Delhi, India.  ISGW 2018 is supported by Government of India Ministries – Ministry of Power, Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Affairs and Make in India.

ISGW 2018 will bring together India’s leading Electricity, Gas and Water Utilities, Policy Makers, Regulators, Investors and world’s top-notch Smart Energy Experts and Researchers to discuss trends, share best practices and showcase next-generation technologies and products in smart energy and smart cities domains. ISGW 2018 will include plenaries, interactive workshops, keynotes, and technical sessions.Several Internationally renowned organisations such as Korea Smart Grid Association, Global Smart Grid Federation, NEDO – Japan, U.S Commercial Services (USA), IEC, CIGRE, IEEE, Indo-German Energy Forum, Think Smart Grid France, Japan Smart Community Alliance, TIE- Delhi, Skill India, TERI, BEE, India Energy Storage Alliance, etc. have already confirmed their support to the event.

ISGF is organizing ISGW 2018 with an aim to showcase India as a top investment destination for smart energy and smart cities; create opportunities for key decision makers in utilities and policymakers and regulators to interact with global experts who have had hands-on experience in smart energy  projects; attract technology companies from overseas to exhibit latest products and solutions in India; networking and experience sharing for utility engineers and regulators with their peers who have implemented smart energy policies and programs and attract technology companies to set up their production facilities in India

Experts from India and around the world will share best practices on Smart Energy, Smart Cities, Advanced Solutions for Grid Modernization, Rollout plan for Smart Meters, Electric Mobility, Disruptive Innovation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Robotics Technology Trends and Renewable Energy Integration at the event that opens in the national capital in month of March 2018. ISGW 2018 will witness bilateral workshops such as European Commissions smart grid workshop, Sweden- India smart grid workshop and the US– India smart grid workshop and also parallel events such as Distribution Utility meet, Smart City Gas Distribution and Smart Water.

ISGF is a public-private partnership initiative of Govt. of India with the mandate of accelerating smart grid deployments across the country. With 180+ members comprising of ministries, utilities, technology providers, academia and research, ISGF has evolved as a Think-Tank of global repute on Smart Energy and Smart Cities. The mandate of ISGF is to advise the government on policies and programs for the promotion of Smart Grids in India, work with national and international agencies in standards development and to help utilities, regulators and the Industry in technology selection, training and capacity building. ISGF work closely with government institutions such as CEA, CPRI, CERC, NSGM, and NCIIPC; ministries such as MNRE, DoT, MoUD, MoHIetc and other stakeholders like state governments, electric utilities and electricity regulatory commissions.

For queries, you may reach us at Email: [email protected]| Website:

Mon, Mar 05 2018 11:00 AM - Fri, Mar 09 2018 06:00 PM
New Delhi

