ILZDA Webinar on Lead Batteries - Technology & Energy

ILZDA is pleased to announce the webinar, being organized in association with Edumet, focused on Lead Battery Technology and Energy Storage. As you know, Energy Storage is the new expanding market that has a huge potential, with the active role of Lead batteries. The seminar will have excellent presentations by well known experts (Indian & overseas) in the field.

The charges for participation, per delegate, are as follows:
a) ILZDA members : Rs.1000 + GST i.e Rs.1,180/-
b) Non-members : Rs.1500 + GST i.e : Rs.1,770/-

Link details :
Confirmed participants will receive an exclusive web link, nearer the event; the link is not to be shared with others.
Fri, Jan 29 2021 11:00 AM - 1:00 pm

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