IFC Climate Business Forum 2017

International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, is pleased to announce the IFC Climate Business Forum 2017. The two-day client-focused event is designed as a forum for knowledge exchange, showcasing innovative approaches to climate-smart projects, and providing an important opportunity for networking and new business development in the region in a multitude of climate-smart industries.

The two-day event will bring together renowned leaders and companies from around the world to assist investors in identifying opportunities in key sectors including renewable energy, clean technology, green buildings, water and waste management, agribusiness and sustainable cities in emerging markets. Participants will also share lessons learned, and policy makers will explain how they are creating a regulatory environment with incentives for sustainable businesses and investment.

For more info, log on to: http://bit.ly/2hMgDC0


Wed, Nov 29 2017 10:00 AM - Thu, Nov 30 2017 06:00 PM
Taj Diplomatic Enclave, New Delhi


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