IESA webinar on Impact of global Novel CoronaVirus (COVID-19) on Battery Industry in India (Lead acid & Li-Ion Perspective)
The onset of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) began in China, and quickly spread to South Korea. Together they comprise much of the world’s Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery manufacturing. China is dominant in the battery supply chain, as it accounts to three-quarters of battery manufacturing capacity. The COVID-19 impact then expanded to Europe and North America, which together comprise a bulk of non-Chinese demand for those batteries. This progression created a series of disruptions in the supply chain for Li-ion batteries, which will also affect Indian electric vehicle and stationary energy storage market. Apart from Li-Ion Ion Batteries, due to continuous lockdown by Govt. of India, the Lead acid battery manufacturing industry is also affected by supply and demand gap. It will affect all verticals of business from energy storage for renewable integration, applications in residential back up, C&I back up, telecom, datacentre and others. While a majority of market participants expected some delays, the extent of disruption may not be fully revealed for several months.
An understanding of the supply chain, related supply markets (e.g., Li-ion electric vehicle batteries) and how these markets interact with the broader economy will be critical to analyse the impact, as well as suggest strategies that market participants, regulators, and policymakers can employ to mitigate some the adverse effects. Even though, India is encouraging indigenous manufacturing and have succeeded to an extent, but the most important part of any battery being the cell, which are still being imported mostly from China and other East Asian countries, the growth is expected to slow down the industry event further. As the coronavirus spread, our focus should shift from foreign manufacturing capability to develop indigenous ecosystem development. This webinar will discuss the impact of COVID on battery industry in India sharing experiences from leading industry stakeholders. Each speaker will present for 10 minutes followed by moderated discus
Note- Members can drop an email at [email protected] to avail the registration link.
An understanding of the supply chain, related supply markets (e.g., Li-ion electric vehicle batteries) and how these markets interact with the broader economy will be critical to analyse the impact, as well as suggest strategies that market participants, regulators, and policymakers can employ to mitigate some the adverse effects. Even though, India is encouraging indigenous manufacturing and have succeeded to an extent, but the most important part of any battery being the cell, which are still being imported mostly from China and other East Asian countries, the growth is expected to slow down the industry event further. As the coronavirus spread, our focus should shift from foreign manufacturing capability to develop indigenous ecosystem development. This webinar will discuss the impact of COVID on battery industry in India sharing experiences from leading industry stakeholders. Each speaker will present for 10 minutes followed by moderated discus
Note- Members can drop an email at [email protected] to avail the registration link.