IESA open webinar on Battery Recycling

As the volume of battery manufacturing grows, a parallel system of disposal and recycling will be essential to minimize the detrimental impact on the environment. Currently, the recycling industry for Li-ion batteries is in the nascent stage with only a few companies worldwide (Umicore, Fortum, ICL, American Manganese, Li-cycle, Dusenfeld) which are focusing on this topic. Potentially, all the metal elements used in a Li-ion battery namely Li, Co, Ni, Mn, Co, and Al could be recovered and re-used for either battery or other applications. However, currently, only Cobalt is partly recovered due to its high cost and concerns regarding its availability. Strict regulations regarding the disposal of batteries need to be enacted in order to give impetus to the Li-ion battery recycling industry. In terms of recycling, the lead-acid battery industry is very advanced with almost 96% of batteries being recycled worldwide. This is reliant on robust and scalable recycling technology, strict regulations prohibiting improper disposal and a well-established supply chain for the collection of used batteries from the customer. In this webinar, we will discuss the extent of materials recovery possible from recycling, the concept of urban mining and technological advances in recycling in recent years. IESA will be releasing a white paper on Battery Recycling on 2nd October 2019.


  1. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, Institute Professor,  IIT- Madras

  2. Abhishek Kumar, Principal Manager - Technology, Fortum.

  3. Dr. Satyajit Phadke, Manager - R&D, Customized Energy Solutions.

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Thu, Oct 03 2019 03:30 PM - 4:30 pm

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