20th Regulators & Policymakers Retreat 2019 conference
Saving the Planet – Challenges of Power and Water
The three-day residential conclave led by eminent thinkers, renowned experts and industry leaders where several sectors that significantly impact our ability to maintain a sustainable future through a sustainable living will be discussed. The deliberations would help enlighten the participants and would lead to the creation of a regulatory and policy roadmap for solutions. Technology and solution providers will show how their products and solutions can play a part in addressing the current issues. Legal and financial institutions will present their perspectives.
Some of the topics focused on will be: the Water-Energy Nexus; Smart Technologies for Water; Tariff Rationalization; Privatization of Discoms – content and carriage; Sanctity of contracts; Public Good vs Private Profit; Competitive Bidding of Intra-State Transmission Projects; Green Energy Corridor; Use of Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage in the current power ecosystem and the policies and regulation related thereto; Application of Drones in RE and Transmission sector; Issues, Policies and Regulation, new technologies and solutions for Renewable Energy and Thermal power.
The conference will also be looking at the future; issues related to climate change, and the challenges being faced by infrastructure developers, including within the power sector. Also examined, in this context, will be the subject of energy storage, electric vehicles, use of AI (artificial intelligence), Drone technology, disaster management, monitoring of agricultural operations, water, wildlife, power transmission lines, etc. Innovative technologies, whether for RE or use of AI in cybersecurity threats against the power sector, will also be discussed.
For more details on registration and event, visit-https://ippairetreat.com/home.aspx