Energy Storage North America

The Third Annual California-Germany Bilateral Energy Conference (CGBEC), a collaboration between the California Energy Commission and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, will take place on November 5, 2019, in San Diego. This conference will highlight key energy policy drivers and challenges for California and Germany and will provide a platform for presenting and discussing experiences and lessons learned. 

The CGBEC will take place alongside the Energy Storage North America (ESNA) Conference & Exhibition, the most influential gathering of policy, technology and market leaders in energy storage in North America. CGBEC and ESNA will provide an unprecedented opportunity for policymakers, think tanks, developers, utility executives, energy users, industry representatives, and other stakeholders from around the world to engage in real solutions and applications, specifically energy storage, for transitioning to a clean energy future.

For more details, visit-

Tue, Nov 05 2019 09:00 AM - Thu, Nov 07 2019 06:00 PM
San Diego, CA, USA
