Chennai: India’s ACC battery manufacturing capacity is expected to hit 120-170 GWh by 2030 and 550 GWh by 2035 with the battery supply chain having the potential to add 1,000 GWh in the next 10 years. According to Rahul Walawalkar-founder-president of India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA) and chair of India Electric Mobility Council (IEMC), India’s battery manufacturing industry has the potential to create over 2.6 million jobs and bring investment worth $30 billion by 2035.
Currently the installed capacity is less than 1 GWh. “By 2030, this should hit 120-170 GWh,” he added. As top players that are setting up capacity hit scale, the battery manufacturing capacity will hit 50 GWh in the next 12-18 months under the ACC PLI scheme, he added. But beyond that the industry is looking at investment in the supply chain which could add more GWh to the overall capacity. “This combined capacity will not only cater to India but also US, Europe and part of South East Asia under the China +1 policy,” he added. India’s growth will ride on global growth in battery manufacturing capacity from 1800-2000 GWh now to around 8000-10000 GWh by 2030. The government, he added, is working on a new EV policy and discussions are currently on with stakeholders. “This will come in when the new government takes over and FAME 3 will become part of that package,” he said. Current FAME subsidy has been extended till July. The government aims to have EVs comprise 30% of new private vehicle registrations, amounting to eight crore EVs, by 2030.