A holistic approach to develop and maintain a multi-year energy storage roadmap for Canada has been initiated, starting with a pilot study in Alberta. Phase 1 is to be reported to the Energy Storage in Canada Conference.

In Alberta a study has been commissioned to look at energy use over the next five years, focusing on business and domestic use. The study analysis used Life Cycle Analysis, which is a technique designed to assess environmental impacts associated with each stage of a product's life from cradle to grave. This is from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling. The analysis provides a detailed review of environmental issues through the compilation of an inventory looking at relevant energy and material inputs. The study also considers environmental releases and pollutants. This approach requires the use of big data analytics.

Early finding have been discussed at Alberta Energy Storage 101 symposium. This meeting considered progress on renewables. However, renewable sources of energy cannot be considered in isolation, according to Kourosh Khaje, who is the founder and president of EnSciTech (a research group that looks at the energy mix industry). Khaje said: “If we want to move more toward renewable energy, renewables without having energy storage has no meaning; we need a way we can save all the energy during the daytime or nighttime, and then [feed] it back to the grid."

The roadmap will define the potential innovation and technology pathways needed to achieve the desired climate change policy outcomes for the state. The outcome will also provide a map of the tactical options and initiatives required to deliver solutions for each pathway. This will lead to the utilization of high impact technology, including storage solutions like batteries and developing a smart grid. Storage solutions range from “utility-scale” (large systems), “behind-the-meter” (distributed systems, intended for commercial and industrial buildings), and remote community power systems. Smart grids are electrical grids that have a range of operational and energy facilities like smart meters, smart appliances, renewable energy resources, and energy efficient resources.
The results to date will be discussed at the Energy Storage in Canada Conference. The theme of this year's conference is 'Connecting to Now'. The conference is taking place in Toronto between September 19-20. The focus is business centric, looking at energy storage market opportunities and the shape of the energy storage supply chain in Canada and globally. According to Patricia Phillips, Executive Director, Energy Storage Canada the energy storage industry "continues to build momentum with rapidly growing companies, commercialized technologies, and successful installations on both sides of the meter.”